In our professional coaching practice, we hold firmly to the tenet that who a leader is becoming is as important, if not more, than what he is achieving. Our coaching philosophy stems from the fact that - 'who you are is what you have to give'.
Hence, coaching goals are defined in terms of performance AND personal transformation, and expressed in the form of an individual-specific Behavioural Scorecard.
An integral part of our coaching process is engendering strategic self-awareness through the use of personality and strengths inventories (eg. Hogan, MBTI, FIRO, etc.) and co-interpreting the results for growth-focused insights.
We provide organisational development and human resources consulting to private, public and non-profit organisations.
Our passion and track record lies in the design and delivery of programmes in - leadership, talent and people development.
We work with leadership teams in strategy sessions, team growth experiences.